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Brenda Wahl, Interim Executive Director

One of the remarkable things about Family Promise is the way congregations and people all across Lawrence work together to provide hospitality to the families, and how God then works as lives and experiences intersect. It’s a beautiful picture of the Kingdom, and I’m thankful to be a part of it.

I came to Family Promise from a varied background of years of ministry in Russia and the health care field here in Lawrence. Though these experiences seem unrelated, both have helped to prepare me in multiple ways for the incredible adventure that is Family Promise.

Throughout my time of working with Family Promise, my life has been changed by the amazing people who rotate through the program–volunteers, guests, board members, fellow staff. Each person contributes a few tiles to the mosaic that makes Family Promise a beautiful picture of hope, redemption, relationships. I’m proud and humbled to be a part of this mosaic.

In 2013, I embarked on a whole new adventure when God brought my beautiful daughter into my life. I never tire of telling our story, so don’t be afraid to ask me about it! Besides spending as much time with her as possible, I love to read, I like to pretend I enjoy gardening and I like watching KU basketball. (At 20 months, my daughter could say, “Rock Chalk Jayhawk! Go KU!” But maybe I was the only one who could understand her.)