Why a Planned Gift?
Supporting Family Promise of Lawrence with a cash donation is deeply appreciated and necessary to ensure that our mission is fulfilled. In addition to cash gifts, Future Promise Planned Giving is critical to ensuring FPL is around to serve future generations. A planned gift is easy to implement and can benefit you while providing a significant impact on our community.
Planned gifts fit a variety of needs and may also provide you with significant financial and tax benefits, no matter the size of your estate. There are a variety of ways to support our ever-important mission both now and in the future
Questions? Want help shaping your planned giving?
Be assured of privacy and confidentiality.
Heather Zebrowski
Director of Development of Community Engagement
We will gladly work with your financial and tax advisors to help you develop a planned giving strategy which accomplishes both your financial and charitable objectives on a tax-favorable basis.
Family Promise of Lawrence
PO Box 1516
Lawrence, KS 66044