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The Solution to Family Homelessness is a Home

Sounds simple enough. It is however, clearly a complicated process with many factors, issues, obstacles and challenges for each family.

The FPL mission has always been and will continue to be focused on helping families get back into and maintaining sustainable permanent housing.  In response to the pandemic, we have doubled down on this effort and have redesigned and improved the Housing Plan we use with every family in each of our programs. There can not be a more urgent focus during the COVID-19 crisis than keeping people safe. Safe housing for families is an important component to the health of every family under normal times. It is a critical component now.

We need your help:

We have facilitated the moving of many families into housing this past 6 weeks and at the same time we had to suspend our furniture ministry for physical / social distancing precautions.  If you can help us with some basic housing needs, we’d be grateful.  Right now we are focusing ONLY on essentials to provide for families starting back up into a home:

  • New blow up mattresses – twin and double/queen
    Blankets and sheet sets
    Bath towels
    Dish and drinking glasses sets
    Basic pots and pans
    Silverware sets

If you can help, you can have these shipped, or delivered to our Day Center:

Family Promise of Lawrence
905 Tennessee Street
Lawrence, KS  66044

Thank you for your support of the mission: Getting and keeping families housed

 Prevention – Shelter/Crisis – Stabilization